Development Economics Theories and Applications

Course description

The course bridges the gap between economics and development. It applies economic and quantitative analysis to solve problems that face policy-making and decision-making in developing countries. The course introduces to development economics modern economic theory, at both a micro and macro level. It mainly focuses to develop analytical, quantitative and modeling abilities, to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the relevant empirical and theoretical research methodology, to develop econometric theory and techniques and how they apply to development, to critically interpret current research in development and economics fields.

Course outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Differentiate between different economic development theories
• Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the relevant empirical and theoretical research methodologies in economic development
• Develop econometric tools and techniques and apply them to development
• Interpret current research in development economics

Course contents

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🔽 0 h 58 min | Introduction
  • Traditional measures of economic development
  • New economic views of economic development
  • Core values of economic development
  • Objectives of economic development
  • Basic indicators of development with empirical evidences
🔽 0 h 44 min | Theories of Economic Development and Applications
  • Classical theories of economic development and practical critique
  • Marx’s historical materialism conception and practical critique
  • Rostow Stage’s of economics growth and critique
  • Vicious circle theory of economic development and practical critique
🔽 0 h 45 min | Balanced Versus Unbalanced Growth, Coordination Failure and the Lewis Model of Economic Development
  • Balanced versus unbalanced growth theory with practical critique
  • Coordination Failure: The O-Ring theory of economic development
  • Lewis model involving practical critique
🔽 1 h 25 min | Baran’s Neo-Marxist Thesis, Dependency Theory and The Neoclassical Counterrevolutions
  • Baran’s Neo-Marxist thesis together with practical critique
  • Dependency theory incorporating practical critique
  • Neoclassical counterrevolutions
🔽 1 h 03 min | The Neoclassical and The New (Endogenous) Growth Theory
  • Neoclassical economic growth theories in relation to empirical findings
  • The new (endogenous) growth theory with pragmatic analysis
  • Applications of neoclassical and endogenous growth model


This course includes:

    4 h 56 min recorded video

    Downloadable resources (books and articles)

    One year access

    Access on mobile and TV

    Advanced Level

    Certificate of completion

Development Economics Theories and Applications

SALE 4,500 Br 2,250 Br
1 year of access
sale ends 12/31/24
This course does not have any sections.
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