Online Educator


The Ethiopian Ministry of Education (MOE) and Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA), now Education and Training Authority (ETA) require integration of innovative tools and technologies to the existing educational system. The ten year higher education strategic roadmap primarily recommends online learning as a means to expand access to quality education in the country. Following approval of online education delivery in Ethiopia, higher academic institutions need to adapt to the rapid growth in emerging technologies and utilize online learning. Instructors in higher academic institutions need to understand online learning, technologies involved in online learning and their impact on adult online learners. This course assists online instructors to acquire the latest pedagogical knowledge and skills needed to ensure an effective teaching and learning experience in an online learning environment. The course also allows instructors to effectively design, develop and deliver online learning. The course covers the fundamentals of online teaching including challenges to both learners and instructors as well as the required skills to overcome these challenges. The training is an exploration of the current educational technologies and the international standards that guide content development. This course introduces fundamentals of LMS and provides its overall benefits specially to manage users and create courses and explores how to assess learning using the LMS platform. The course also covers about uploading course resources and online assessments such as forums and workshops, quizzes and self-assessments questions.

Training topics to be covered include:

• Introduction to online learning
• Technologies for online learning
• Learning design for online learning
• Development and delivery of online learning
• The pedagogy of online learning and teaching
• Overview and Benefits of LMS
• Managing online users
• Creating online courses
• Using forums, chats, video conferencing, messages, blogs for online learning
• Assessment methods of online learning
• Online assessment tools such as quiz and survey
• Preparation and development of digital contents


Upon the completion of this training, students will be able to:

• Apply online learning in their teaching and learning
• Identify technologies used for online learning
• Identify the benefits of LMS
• Manage online users
• Create online courses
• Identify online formal and informal assessment methods
• Learn how develop course digital contents


During the training, the instructor presents the topics and activities in a logical sequence allowing participants to demonstrate their experience, knowledge and skills. The training sessions will be participatory and engaging. The training delivery activities include lecture for the conceptual issues, demonstration for managing users, creating courses and conducting online assessments using LMS. In addition the training includes, hands-on practice of creating courses, assessing students and managing users using LMS. Trainees are expected to understand basics of ICT and teaching skills at higher educational setup.

Target Student

The target group for this training consists of instructors, academic program coordinators, quality assurance officers and educators.

This training includes:

Modality: Instructor-led/Online

Start Date: Bi-Annually (September 15 and February 15)

Duration: 32 h 00 min

    Downloadable resources (books and articles)

    Mixed Level

    Certificate of completion



I am very pleased and honored to attend the course which was well organized and I have learnt many new things as the process was interactive and with roleplaying coupled with intensive exercises. Keep up the good work and good luck! Thanks . . . [Biniam Malede – Plant Manager in Ethiopia].


Habtamu Zelelew (PhD, PE, M-ASCE) Habtamu Zelelew (PhD, PE, M-ASCE)

President/ET Online College

Online Educator

4,500 Br
1 year of access
This course does not have any sections.
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